Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Martin Luther King, Jr: Living Memory

Undoubtly , the mind of man is a terrible thing to waste alone it's symbol seal of life moral authority in one body order compliant ring of engagement .

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Words of Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.

The mind is a dangerous thing to waste. Now is the time to recognized the urgency of the moment coming from the land of uprising risen sun - east Bight of Biafra in west coast Atlantic ocean Africa.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


ATLANTIS REAL FACE VALUE, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

A Biafra Abia discovered he had stumbled upon a free new energy source technology which could be used most effectively to upturned , over turned , and turned some more, with the vast majority of the peoples of the world completely unaware of what was happening to them. After all , most people today still believe that the control of the basic waether of this planet is out of the control of host body of manhood grid coil power in one body language sex symbol image seal of life.

Monday, May 17, 2010


n1571036074_7364, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

Could it an upturned image of Africa universal figure idol spiritual being head host body of manhood grid coil ring of engagement revolved around the complex building heart center temple house body of manhood in one body language central core fluid intelligent system atmosphere? Around 1500, Nicolous copernicus wrote a book claiming the earth revolved around the sun , the church age of Rome damed it for contradicting the bible. Martin Luther called Copernicus (AN UPSTART ASTROLOGER) John Calrin asked "who will venture to place the authority of Copernicus above that the of Holy Spirit. The sun runs from one end of the heavens to the other.And 100 years later, GIORDANO BRAUNO also taught the earth orbited the sun and that the stars were distant suns with planets orbiting them.


n1571036074_7364, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

In Noverber 1982, long after the invention of different modern telescopes and after man had gone to space as claimed and even walked on the moon, the (CATHOLIC CHURCH ) finally admitted officially that the bible got it wrong. The earth did revolve around the sun after all. Pope John Paul was constrained to vindicate Galileo . He said : Galileo who practically invented the experimental method understood why only the sun could function as the centre of the world as it was then known that is to say, as a planetary system. The error of theologians of that time , when they maintained the centrality of the earth , was to think that our understanding of the physical world structure was in some way imposed by the literal sense of sacred scripture.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


n1571036074_7364, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

Jupiter , the largest planet in the solar system has lost one of it's belts and scientists are baffled as to why. The why is a sign that revealed how Africa regains that which it lost in the past in air form universal figure idol spiritual head being.


star god companion, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

Jupiter , the largest planet in the solar system , has lost one of its belts and scientists are baffled as to why. The way is that it is a sign that revealed how Africa regains it's one body language spiritual head being universal figure symbol self sovereign right power after losing it .


star god companion, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

In the image of one body language complex building heart center temple house body of manhood . A biafra Abia knew that where one of the trinity is the other two trinity alway is in torch. The real face value of Africa symbol seal of life universal figure idol spiritual head being consciousness of cosmic kind of beast the unchangeable , unmistakeable symbol seal of life perfection sign of a brilliant star god companion in air form glory enlightement that suggest that ( ONE NO LONGER CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK AND SAY) in disrespect of disregard of universal figure idol .

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


ATLANTIS REAL FACE VALUE, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

It grasp nothing , refuses nothing, it receives but does not keep. It is now clear from the pictire image of Africa symbol that uptirned image of Africa is neither a geographical expression image of break up Africa destination that one arrives at nor an achievement. .It is more of the surrogate image of one's self will with being permenanently in a state of boundless universal figure idol one body language consciousness.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


ATLANTIS REAL FACE VALUE, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

In the naked church age , we have a real face value image of Africa mystery in one body language that is full of hidden cunning symbol of universal figure idol real image picture spiritual head being of Melchizedek world. In the image we reported the broken story that Africa image was conceived as idol seal of life with the real face value taste and interest of spiritual being head originally laid down sex symbol image of perfection sealof life in one body order compliant so that image and likeness form harmonic motion language grid coil power with central core fluid intelligent system atmopshere body of knowledge . The spiritual head being of Africa image troubled truth lies teaching of organized religious society elites the most , since it is a sex symbol image of universal figure idol that revealed the secret thought of many.

Friday, May 7, 2010


n1571036074_7364, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

At this point ,you must be asking yourself what all of this image of Africa symbol means. What exactly , is the symbol seal of life image of spiritual being head and why is it so important that backwad race culture and values founding fathers would want it to be the symbol of cosmic kind of beast in air form central core fliud intelligent system atmosphere complex building heart cnter temple house body of knowledge of the real face value taste and interest for Atlantis.Africa image symbol depicts the universal figure idol concept of the creation of the planet earth world , as well as other world like continents surrounding Africa cosmic microwave radiation background of Atlantic ocean motion current that now exist. Let us move closely examine Africa image symbol depiction and explanation of the geographical expression image of breakup continent map. There continent constitute in its totality the world of emanations and from it proceeded four other continents each having also it's complex building heart center temple house body of knowledge in air form central core fluid intelligent system atmopshere grid coil powers , each inhabited by different order of beings but yet of a different grid coil ring of engagement ageless dna genetic cells. The spiritual being head supreme is an absolute and inscrutable unchangeable universal figure idol one body langauge unity , having nothing without first body of manhood and everything within a complex building heart center temple house body of manhood. He is called CHUKWU ABIAMA .


n1571036074_7364, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

At this point ,you must be asking yourself what all of this image of Africa symbol means. What exactly , is the symbol seal of life image of spiritual being head and why is it so important that backwad race culture and values founding fathers would want it to be the symbol of cosmic kind of beast in air form central core fliud intelligent system atmosphere complex building heart cnter temple house body of knowledge of the real face value taste and interest for Atlantis.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

2010 beyond universal figure idol power

n1571036074_7364, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

In the year 2010 beyond , Ekempi race against time to fulfill a prophecy set in motion coil grid of backward race culture and values by her ancient ancestors seal of life cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast ring of engagement connected to the central core fluid intelligent system atmopshere spanning sex symbol image of perfection thought plant in air form inspiration round an opened great circle zero dimension one body language upturned image of Africa geographical expression image of break up continents the foundation of reality and the prophecy of time as regard to church age truthful lies teaching activity. In essence the untold story of Africa image mystery universal figure idol is another image view of one bdy language history of human race interest taste and values. Ekempi host body of manhood complex building heart center temple house body of manhood struggle to pry open her family's dark secret creation is also humanity struggle to uncover its hidden past.

host body of manhood self Divinity

n1571036074_7364, originally uploaded by umuekempi.

The Divine spark in one body language complex building heart center temple house body of manhood sex symbol seal of life sort of resides within each person that only needs to be discovered to be activated.


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.