Wednesday, May 6, 2009


If this blog post do not get you rich memory bank note currenc asset resource nothing ever will in these season of Amos 8:11-12 crisis. In this blog , Nwaekempi tend to deal with the cardinal virtures of getting real value self belief memory with the backward race culture domain name of, thereby influencing the hidden yearning for peace at any cost price of AMOS 8:11-12, crisis.Peace to save "EKEMPI", heritage. Peace to change dying world that had supported and enfiched empire builders for countless forward motion generations . To this end , if Umuekempi domain name of backward race culture had made peace with outsiders in an instant as to appease outsiders , which would have meant been mind controlled and handing over vast unlimited space stamped seal authority of "EKEMPI", to outsiders , where would backward race culture domain name of, be?. What would Umuekempi self belief be?. Which stargod particle property of soul mate divine - Provider would Myblog-Nwaekempi.blogspot and blog about to honour as cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power of sex symbol image of perfection complex building heart center temple house body of manhood . Outsiders may "Mock", all they wish but the determination and self belief of this "EKEMPI", offspring "NWAEKEMPI", of python horn coil grid power of stargod companion - Provider with internat blog service meant more to domain name of Umuekempi than all the land property of backward race culture outsiders are after in backward race culture long history . To this end, for just one moment , a backward race culture domain name of Umuekempi were saved from errors of terror, from fear or failure, and from the fear of fear itself , from the shame of capitulation to misjudgment of the spell letter word "L-I-V-E", backward from reverse letter word spell "E-V-I-L", - BY WHAT?. By one brilliant Neutron stargod companion host body of manhood cover nakedness self belief , in his own destin, by his non - conventional free server provider judgment self belief and belief in the destiny of "EKEMPI", cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power of backward motion revolution in the land of uprising risen sun - the eastern. To this end, do blog that you begin , riht now , right at this very AMOS :11-12, crisis moment, to ask yourself whether you believe in yourself as in compliant with claims of stargod particle propert of soul mate divine rights in good sense of oneness sex symbol image of perfection judgment. Truely do ou believe in yourself to be created in image and likeness of oneness - stargod particle property of soul mate divine in one body order compliant complex building heart ceneter temple house body of manhood?. If you do not , and worse still , if you believe you never can believe , then by all means go on revisiting the blog and the web page, . But take it from me , you only chance of getting rich memory backnote currency asset resource in air form of other brilliant stars contributions will come from the volunteering action practice of waste life alone with soul mate divine companion in ou in good sense of "COMPANIONSHIP", judgment OF CLOSE FRIEND KIND OF HELPER AND FREE SERVER PROVIDER "COMFORTER", (SPIRITUAL BY NATURE) -JOHN 15:26. To this end, if you will mot believe in ourself , then why should anone else?. Without self belief nothing can be accomplished. With it nothing is impossible in absolute zero nothingness completeness. It is as brutel and as black and white. Indeed, if you take no other memory from this blog post , then take that single thought it was worth a damn sight more than the air time price you paid to log in which does not mean that ou should trample on doubt. Doubts are like pain or unease . If pain was to be eliminated from human kind, how would empire builders receive global warning that something "GLOBAL WARMING", was cookimg - up in air form central core fluid intelligent system atmosphere complex building heart center temple house body of universal figure coil grid power ring of enagement demanding urgent attention?. In many directed earth events situations , with extraterrestrial force of stargod particle property of soul mate divine in air form pain contribution in good sense of JOHN 16:20-22, judgment. To this end, JOHN 16:20-22, "PAIN", must be ameliorated - during surgical operations , recovery from serious injury or in throes of dying for instance . But to eliminate "PAIN", entirelyfrom our lives would not be a sensible objectives or in our best interest. To this end , is the reason of the truth been retold "in good sense of JOHN 16:20, judgment" I AM TELLING YOU THE TRUTH , YOU WILL BE SAD BUT YOU SADNESS WILL TURE INTO LADNESS. THE PAIN IS ALL ABOUT SEEING THE WORLD BEEN GLAD WHILE YOU WILL CRY AND WEEP". Indeed, doubt of JOHN 16:20, self belief experience is a warning system and plays its part in reaching decision . To this end , there is nothing wrong with JOHN 16:20, been experience by backward race culture domian name of, to overcome fear. They are immensely useful tools. But you either learn to become compliant user of the tool or learn to incoporate them into your thinking and our life, or youwill be ruled by them.

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