Monday, October 26, 2009
Nasa Warns Of Super Solar Storm 2012
Monday, October 19, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
It is interesting to note that backward race culture from the land of uprising risen sun - eastern had joined the contemporary civilization empire builders with capability for a designer non - conventional (VHI)- Very high invisiable string like particle beam of light , copy of (VLBI) Astronomical observation . Indeed, , in this regard , a bacxkward race culture domain name of WWW.UMUEKEMPI.COM, have considered the importance of basic scientific research as a tool for (ENVIRONMENTAL GOVERNANCE) - sustainable global industrialization in internet age wireless electronic control population environment by thought with ease.To this end, backward race culture from the land of uprising risen sun - eastern specifically include science and technology in (UMUEKEMPI DOMAIN) agenda for elevating Black African seal of authority to the ranks of universal figure - "IDOL" in good sense of judgment , (of the most developed memory bank note currency asset resource in a dying world in waiting for a new beginning cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power stargod particle property of soul mate divine provider). Indeed, by volunteering action practice waste life alone with soul mate divine - (NWA - EKEMPI) of UMUEKEMPI , of python horn Black Africa - idol - stargod companion (EKEMPI) seal of authority now join the elites in the world of Astronomy with just a non - conventional new energy source technological wonder - non - Radio telescope belonging to the centre for basic space research at (NSUKKA- OF THE LAND OF UPRISING RISEN SUN - EASTERN) THAT NOW BECOMES OPERATIONAL FIVE YEARS BEFORE THE TARGET BEFORE( YEAR 2010 OR 2012).from (UMUEKEMPI DOMAIN) atmosphere field of influence , the CBSS - Radio telescope is repowered for full operation in singularity order backward motion transmission in air form central core fluid intelligent system atmosphere in one body order compliant ring of enagement in a non - conventional application from its fully steerable parabolic radio telescope program system operation to harmonized the framework backward in harmonic motion language language judgment with other brilliant stars thought plant in air form contributions in good sense of EXODUS 36:4-7 judgment in light of JOSHUA 22:22-29.Already , the CBSS- radio telescope that could be tapped from is indeed equipped with 15- metre panals of aluminum inner surface and 10-metre - wire mesh outer surface , to be used for Radio - pulser observations , radio galaxies and a wide range of other brilliant key astronomy and geodesy observations / projects including (A DESIGNER "vhi" - surrogate VLBI observations in collaboration with other Radio telescope in the U.S, europe, india and south Africa as regard to west coast of Atlantic ocean complex building heart center temple house body of knowledge in the (BRIGHT OF BIAFRA) - THE LAND OF UPRISING RISEN SUN - EASTERN seal of authority in air form cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power stargod particle property of soul mate divine provider - BLACK AFRICAN - IDOL UNIVERSAL FIGURE .
Monday, June 29, 2009
Indeed, there is a way that seems right to those who are call by the name of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) , but in the end it leads to self destruction.Ignorance could kill if one does not get the accurate knowledge to get out of it on time. Black Africans actually need the seal of authority of stargod - idol provider to escape being caught in the web of (CHURCH BUILDERS - FALSEHOOD ) enslavement. Those who are call by the name of white son of god for all mankind find themselves by been ignorance of Jeremiah 8:8-9.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Again , does (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) exist? . Indeed, in this blog post i am going to use JEREMIAH 8:8-9 to argue that contomprary civilization church fathers have not given sufficient proof that bible story of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) came not to be by falsehood in good sense of judgment that is not by accident or chance and then evolve through necessity for wireless population control environment. In addition i will provide facts from the other side of bible stories of the "REVISIONIST" - that show that the (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) could not have come into being without the copy of a "STARGOD - IDOL " complex building heart center temple house body of knowledge seal of authoity in backward motion coil grid power in one body order compliant universal figure ring of enagement new universe framework singularity order string of zero dimension in air form v- triangle starcraft host body of manhood.To this end, (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) from "REVISIONIST" point of view is in good sense of "CREATIONISTS" judgment that the universe could not have come into being without the intervention of a supreme being - stargod -idol , sex symbol image of perfection complex building heart center temple house body of manhood host body of other brilliant stars contributions of age pass. Indeed, I post this blog as a volunteering action practice of using waste information alone as food for thought energy diet fuel to sustain backward motion new universe seal of authority in harmonic motion language judgment cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power stargod particle property of soul mate divine provider. It's usually the answer i gave to my (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) - believers friends when sharing out formation in- formation contributions about the existence of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) in good sense of biblical stories judgment.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Indeed, these rather infantile ideas of falsehood were sustained by confused church fathers who declared surgical
Indeed, Dump Africa ns leaders of alien religions - "MASTERS" saying "we wrote the bible and we can rewrite is in good sense of judgment of this of this question "IS THIS THE WHITE MANS 419?". Now does this not show how dumb Africans leaders of alien - religions are? If their "MASTERS" says " I WANT TO CHANGE SOME RULES OF ENAGEMENT THAT I MADE ". I WROTE THE BIBLE AND I LIED. I WANT TO MODERNISE IT . As if to say in good sense of JEREMIAH 8:8-9 judgment. The African servants leaders , teachers and pastors says , what do you want to do such a dumb thing for?. Leave things as they are , we are happy living a lie. we love to have it so in (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND) . When someone wrote in the same Daily sun newspaper about three years ago that (JESUS CHRIST WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND) was the figment of the "WHITE MANS FERITLE IMAGINATION UNDER THE TITLE, "THE WHITE MANS - "419"). Indeed (419
When christianity adapted falsehood teaching of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND) in good sense of JEREMIAH 8:8-9 judgment. There is so much need to respell spell subject matter issue of "l-i-v-e" backward as not to call e-v-i-l good in good sense of judgment. The backward race culture harmonic motion program language message challenge to falsehood in good sense of ISAIAH 41:21-26 judgment, because the religion of the dominant contemporary civilization is built on monummental falsehood believes of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND). To this end, believers of (white son of God for allmankind) are praying to no avail because the spirit world abhors deceit in good sense of REVELATION 21:27 judgment once the era of contemporary civilization church builders come to an end.To this end , is the question "Is next edition of the bible claim , bilble's approval of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND?) In an interview with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, conducted by David Van Biema and Catherine Mayer, and published in the US TIME WEEKLY MAGAZINE OF JUNE 18, 2007, ( ENTITLED , "HOLY WAR", ) it was reported that global Anglicanism might veering toward a schism in good sense of falsehood judgment. Indeed, the Daily Sun Newspaper of Nigeria , on March 18,2008, published an interview that revealed the real reason for the schism between the church in the west and Africa in good sense of falsehood judgment. Itt totally destroyed the foundation of the contemporary civilization church era by exposing the lies that have sustained it until now . The interview slipped quietly through the media without raising as much as an eye brow . It was a devastating silent bomb, never theless in the dailyy sun interview , Mr Oliver - Ross Udeafor asked Rt . Rev. Dr Samuel Chukwudi Ezeofor, the BISHOP OF THE MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF OGBARU, with headquarter at Utani in Anambra state , nigeria, a series of questions leading to the following last one:(QUETION) - "THE LAMBETH CONFERENCE IS COMING UP THIS YEAR BUT THE AFRICAN BISHOPS PARTICULARLY THE NIGERIAN ONES , ARE SAYING THEY WOULD NOT ATTEND DUE TO PROBLEMS OF SAME SEX - MARRIAGE AND GAY PRIEST'S ORDINATION IN AMERICA. DO YOU THINK THAT NOT ATTENDING IS THE BEST THING TO DO? ( ANSWER) - BY BISHOP EZEOFOR : - "WELL LET ME SAY FIRST OF ALL , THAT IT IS REALLY NOT ( only the same sex marriage that is the problem). It is just one of the problems we are talking about the (REVISIONIST AGENDE) of the west where people are (NOW TALKING ABOUT DOUBTING THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF CHRIST). Indeed, for young Ekempi the doubting is in good sense of WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND judgment. "( INFACT, ALL THE THINGS WE KNOWTO BE THE FOUNDATION OF CHRISTIANITY SOME PEOPLE ARE QUESTIONING THEM AND TO THE POINT THAT SOMEBODY IS SAYING WELL "WE WROTE THE BIBLE AND WE CAN REWRITE IT") sort of in good sense of JEREMIAH 8:8-9 JUDGMENT. So , you find that it is not just the issue of the same sex marriage but it is the whole issue of the Revisionist agenda and if you like , "MODERNISM". That is what we are fighting well, not attending Lambeth conference is the decision of the church of Nigeria and some other national churches, not attend( BUT WE WANT THE MATTERS ON GROUND TO BE SETTLED BIBLICALLY BECAUSE IF WE THROW AWAY THE BIBLE THEN THERE IS NO BASIS FOR US ATTENDING THE CONFERENCE. SO , THAT IS WHAT WE ARE SAYING. WE WILL ATTEND WHEN THE ATMOSPHERE , THE CLIMATE IS CONDUCIVE, BASED ON THE FACT THAT WE ARE SAYING THESE THINGS THAT ARE ON GROUND, LET US RESOLVE THEM THAT IS THE MATTER THERE. To this end , is another question ( "HOW TRUE IS JEREMIAH 8:8-9 JUDGMENT IS TO WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND CONTEMPORARY CIVILIZATION CHURCH ERA RELIGION?). Now , does this not show how dumb African Leaders of alien religions are? . What did (I CORINTHIANS 2:11-14 ) all about? "IF WHAT WAS BUILT ON THE FOUNDATION SURVIVES THE FIRE - GOOD SENSE OF JUDGMENT SORT OF . THE BUILDER WILL RECEIVE A REWARD". These so called Bishops and teachers of falsehood religion of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND) are now become trapped by their own vomit in good sense of 2 PETER 2:1-5, judgment "FOR A PERSON IS A SLAVES OF ANYTHING THAT HAS CONQUERED HIM" What happened to them shows that the proverbs are true:" ( THE DOG GOES BACK TO WHAT IT HAS VOMITED") in good sense of 2 peter 2:22 judgment.
Monday, May 25, 2009
"REMEMEMBER SUNLIGHT GIVE OFF ITSELF FREELY , FILLING ALL AVALIABLE SPACE. IT DOES NOT SEEK ANYTHING IN RETURN, IT ASKS NOT WHETHER , YOU ARE FRIEND OR FOE. IT GIVES OF ITSELF AND IS NOT THEREBY DIMINISHED" - SO IS NWAEKEMPI VOLUNTEERING ACTION WASTE INFORMATION RENEWABLE PROVIDER. To this end is the question (Was christianity adapted wholesale from "IDOL OF STARGOD IN WRONG USE OF SPELL"?Indeed, it may not sound Awesome for those who are ignorant that christianity was adapted wholesale from the "IDOL" of stsrgod complex building heart center temple house body of cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power . Indeed, most Blacks have been messed up foreign religious and ideas as regards to good sense of judgment. If all scientist and historians (Black and whites) , agreed that human ancestors originated in Africa and the christian bible says" provider created man in his image and likeness as in good sense of sex symbol image of perfection complex building heart center temple house body of manhood seal of authority of universal figure . I t then must be of backward race culture black Africa. To this end, is good sense of logic judgment for myblog QED.Indeed, the christian church cloaks their lies and abuses in religious garbage and other hegenmonistic instincts in good sense of JUDE 1:8-16 judgment. to prove that sustainable stargod is Black is the volunteering action of waste information renewable alone in myblog.To this end is CHRISTIANITY, reminded of JEREMIAH 8:8-17 judgment "HOW CAN YOU SAY , THAT YOU ARE WISE AND THAT YOU KNOW THE LAWS BY WHICH I RULE YOU (LOOK , THE LAWS HAVE BEEN CHANGED BY DISHONEST SCRIBES) YOUR WISE MEN ARE PUT TO SHAME. THEY ARE CONFUSED AND TRAPPED . THEY HAVE REJECTED MY WORDS, WHAT WISDOM HAVE THEY GOT NOW?.JEREHIAM 8:8-17.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
If this blog post do not get you rich memory bank note currenc asset resource nothing ever will in these season of Amos 8:11-12 crisis. In this blog , Nwaekempi tend to deal with the cardinal virtures of getting real value self belief memory with the backward race culture domain name of, thereby influencing the hidden yearning for peace at any cost price of AMOS 8:11-12, crisis.Peace to save "EKEMPI", heritage. Peace to change dying world that had supported and enfiched empire builders for countless forward motion generations . To this end , if Umuekempi domain name of backward race culture had made peace with outsiders in an instant as to appease outsiders , which would have meant been mind controlled and handing over vast unlimited space stamped seal authority of "EKEMPI", to outsiders , where would backward race culture domain name of, be?. What would Umuekempi self belief be?. Which stargod particle property of soul mate divine - Provider would Myblog-Nwaekempi.blogspot and blog about to honour as cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power of sex symbol image of perfection complex building heart center temple house body of manhood . Outsiders may "Mock", all they wish but the determination and self belief of this "EKEMPI", offspring "NWAEKEMPI", of python horn coil grid power of stargod companion - Provider with internat blog service meant more to domain name of Umuekempi than all the land property of backward race culture outsiders are after in backward race culture long history . To this end, for just one moment , a backward race culture domain name of Umuekempi were saved from errors of terror, from fear or failure, and from the fear of fear itself , from the shame of capitulation to misjudgment of the spell letter word "L-I-V-E", backward from reverse letter word spell "E-V-I-L", - BY WHAT?. By one brilliant Neutron stargod companion host body of manhood cover nakedness self belief , in his own destin, by his non - conventional free server provider judgment self belief and belief in the destiny of "EKEMPI", cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power of backward motion revolution in the land of uprising risen sun - the eastern. To this end, do blog that you begin , riht now , right at this very AMOS :11-12, crisis moment, to ask yourself whether you believe in yourself as in compliant with claims of stargod particle propert of soul mate divine rights in good sense of oneness sex symbol image of perfection judgment. Truely do ou believe in yourself to be created in image and likeness of oneness - stargod particle property of soul mate divine in one body order compliant complex building heart ceneter temple house body of manhood?. If you do not , and worse still , if you believe you never can believe , then by all means go on revisiting the blog and the web page, . But take it from me , you only chance of getting rich memory backnote currency asset resource in air form of other brilliant stars contributions will come from the volunteering action practice of waste life alone with soul mate divine companion in ou in good sense of "COMPANIONSHIP", judgment OF CLOSE FRIEND KIND OF HELPER AND FREE SERVER PROVIDER "COMFORTER", (SPIRITUAL BY NATURE) -JOHN 15:26. To this end, if you will mot believe in ourself , then why should anone else?. Without self belief nothing can be accomplished. With it nothing is impossible in absolute zero nothingness completeness. It is as brutel and as black and white. Indeed, if you take no other memory from this blog post , then take that single thought it was worth a damn sight more than the air time price you paid to log in which does not mean that ou should trample on doubt. Doubts are like pain or unease . If pain was to be eliminated from human kind, how would empire builders receive global warning that something "GLOBAL WARMING", was cookimg - up in air form central core fluid intelligent system atmosphere complex building heart center temple house body of universal figure coil grid power ring of enagement demanding urgent attention?. In many directed earth events situations , with extraterrestrial force of stargod particle property of soul mate divine in air form pain contribution in good sense of JOHN 16:20-22, judgment. To this end, JOHN 16:20-22, "PAIN", must be ameliorated - during surgical operations , recovery from serious injury or in throes of dying for instance . But to eliminate "PAIN", entirelyfrom our lives would not be a sensible objectives or in our best interest. To this end , is the reason of the truth been retold "in good sense of JOHN 16:20, judgment" I AM TELLING YOU THE TRUTH , YOU WILL BE SAD BUT YOU SADNESS WILL TURE INTO LADNESS. THE PAIN IS ALL ABOUT SEEING THE WORLD BEEN GLAD WHILE YOU WILL CRY AND WEEP". Indeed, doubt of JOHN 16:20, self belief experience is a warning system and plays its part in reaching decision . To this end , there is nothing wrong with JOHN 16:20, been experience by backward race culture domian name of, to overcome fear. They are immensely useful tools. But you either learn to become compliant user of the tool or learn to incoporate them into your thinking and our life, or youwill be ruled by them.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
WHEN THE MESSIAH COME BACKWARD WILL THE INTERNET BE USED AS THE MESSENGER INSTEAD OF POLITICAL DIS ORGANIZED CHURCH OF EMPIRE BUILDERS? So much , i did quickly answer and , for those in need of food for thought consumption of information supplement product of stargod particle property of energy diet fuel solution, i did add, the information contributions on solar superstorm due in no distance future than expected.To this end, it is liken to good sense of ISAIAH 24, judgment, where the earth is devastate and leave in desolate. The catastrophe, when it comes , will be beautiful atfirst, as it will twist the earths surface and scatter its program language operations in air form central core fluid intflligent system atmosphere. Fveryone will meet the same fate - the slaves and the masters, buyers and sellers, lenders andborrowers, rich and poor, developed and undeveloped nations. To this end, compared it to the remote view experience -sunspot activity that took place on June 2005 in a backward motion field of influence in good sense of ISAIAH 38:7-8, judgment, when the sun set into backward motion with the dimming skies over the land of uprising risen sun domains of stargod companion that is been alive with a very high invisible string like stargod particle property of soul mate divine , writhe like gigantic cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power ring of enagement recoil backward across the skies as evidence on how the people have deflied the earth by breaking complex building heart center temple house body of store crystral free and bound sexual energy ring of enagement singularlity order of oneness and by violating the singularlity order of oneness complex building center temple house body of manhood ring of enagement body of cell -sex symbol image of perfection universal figure stargod -idol covenant soul mate divine companion made to last with no end non-beginning in good sense of cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power ring of enagement framework judgment store crystral energy for complex building heart center temple house body of manhood in central core fluid intelligent system atmosphere wireless control environment. To this end , is come when coil grid powers of forward motion revolution and the rulers of the earth experience the cost of AMOS 8:11-12 crisis in good sense of judgment where both the "CROWD -KINGS", are into backward race culture enslavement in their own body of cell - prison as prisoners in a complex building coil grid power central core fluid intelligent system atmosphere wireless electronic population control environment. To this end, like the solar superstorm of June 2005, in good sense of ISAIAH 24:23, judgment , "The moon will grow dark, and the sun will no longer shine from forward motion coil grid powers ring of enagement revolution, for backward motion revolution cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast stargod companion - sex symbol image of perfection "IDOL", universal figure complex building heart center temple house body of manhood will be king in good sense of "NAME", judgment "I AM WHO I AM BY NAME". Indeed, the events horrizon is so brilliant as it race across the sky central core fluid intelligent system atmosphere during the most spectacular display of the aurora borealis seen in the land of uprising risen sun field of influence control environment on June 2005, is still a memory to reckon with. And then , 90 seconds later , the very high invisisble string like particle beam of light start to go out. Not the lights in the sky which were dizzling until dawn , but the replica of the ground zero lights out of forward motion coil grid powers. ......To be continued.
Monday, April 20, 2009
what is rest in recession guise of HEBREWS 4, judgment?
Read and understand the report in WWW.UMUEKEMPI.COM, and other brilliant stars contributions in good sense of EXODUS 36:4-7, judgment.
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