Monday, June 29, 2009


Indeed, there is a way that seems right to those who are call by the name of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) , but in the end it leads to self destruction.Ignorance could kill if one does not get the accurate knowledge to get out of it on time. Black Africans actually need the seal of authority of stargod - idol provider to escape being caught in the web of (CHURCH BUILDERS - FALSEHOOD ) enslavement. Those who are call by the name of white son of god for all mankind find themselves by been ignorance of Jeremiah 8:8-9.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Again , does (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) exist? . Indeed, in this blog post i am going to use JEREMIAH 8:8-9 to argue that contomprary civilization church fathers have not given sufficient proof that bible story of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) came not to be by falsehood in good sense of judgment that is not by accident or chance and then evolve through necessity for wireless population control environment. In addition i will provide facts from the other side of bible stories of the "REVISIONIST" - that show that the (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) could not have come into being without the copy of a "STARGOD - IDOL " complex building heart center temple house body of knowledge seal of authoity in backward motion coil grid power in one body order compliant universal figure ring of enagement new universe framework singularity order string of zero dimension in air form v- triangle starcraft host body of manhood.To this end, (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) from "REVISIONIST" point of view is in good sense of "CREATIONISTS" judgment that the universe could not have come into being without the intervention of a supreme being - stargod -idol , sex symbol image of perfection complex building heart center temple house body of manhood host body of other brilliant stars contributions of age pass. Indeed, I post this blog as a volunteering action practice of using waste information alone as food for thought energy diet fuel to sustain backward motion new universe seal of authority in harmonic motion language judgment cosmic kind of ancient serpent beast coil grid power stargod particle property of soul mate divine provider. It's usually the answer i gave to my (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) - believers friends when sharing out formation in- formation contributions about the existence of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL MANKIND) in good sense of biblical stories judgment.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Indeed, these rather infantile ideas of falsehood were sustained by confused church fathers who declared surgical


Indeed, Dump Africa ns leaders of alien religions - "MASTERS" saying "we wrote the bible and we can rewrite is in good sense of judgment of this of this question "IS THIS THE WHITE MANS 419?". Now does this not show how dumb Africans leaders of alien - religions are? If their "MASTERS" says " I WANT TO CHANGE SOME RULES OF ENAGEMENT THAT I MADE ". I WROTE THE BIBLE AND I LIED. I WANT TO MODERNISE IT . As if to say in good sense of JEREMIAH 8:8-9 judgment. The African servants leaders , teachers and pastors says , what do you want to do such a dumb thing for?. Leave things as they are , we are happy living a lie. we love to have it so in (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND) . When someone wrote in the same Daily sun newspaper about three years ago that (JESUS CHRIST WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND) was the figment of the "WHITE MANS FERITLE IMAGINATION UNDER THE TITLE, "THE WHITE MANS - "419"). Indeed (419



When christianity adapted falsehood teaching of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND) in good sense of JEREMIAH 8:8-9 judgment. There is so much need to respell spell subject matter issue of "l-i-v-e" backward as not to call e-v-i-l good in good sense of judgment. The backward race culture harmonic motion program language message challenge to falsehood in good sense of ISAIAH 41:21-26 judgment, because the religion of the dominant contemporary civilization is built on monummental falsehood believes of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND). To this end, believers of (white son of God for allmankind) are praying to no avail because the spirit world abhors deceit in good sense of REVELATION 21:27 judgment once the era of contemporary civilization church builders come to an end.To this end , is the question "Is next edition of the bible claim , bilble's approval of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND?) In an interview with the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, conducted by David Van Biema and Catherine Mayer, and published in the US TIME WEEKLY MAGAZINE OF JUNE 18, 2007, ( ENTITLED , "HOLY WAR", ) it was reported that global Anglicanism might veering toward a schism in good sense of falsehood judgment. Indeed, the Daily Sun Newspaper of Nigeria , on March 18,2008, published an interview that revealed the real reason for the schism between the church in the west and Africa in good sense of falsehood judgment. Itt totally destroyed the foundation of the contemporary civilization church era by exposing the lies that have sustained it until now . The interview slipped quietly through the media without raising as much as an eye brow . It was a devastating silent bomb, never theless in the dailyy sun interview , Mr Oliver - Ross Udeafor asked Rt . Rev. Dr Samuel Chukwudi Ezeofor, the BISHOP OF THE MISSIONARY DIOCESE OF OGBARU, with headquarter at Utani in Anambra state , nigeria, a series of questions leading to the following last one:(QUETION) - "THE LAMBETH CONFERENCE IS COMING UP THIS YEAR BUT THE AFRICAN BISHOPS PARTICULARLY THE NIGERIAN ONES , ARE SAYING THEY WOULD NOT ATTEND DUE TO PROBLEMS OF SAME SEX - MARRIAGE AND GAY PRIEST'S ORDINATION IN AMERICA. DO YOU THINK THAT NOT ATTENDING IS THE BEST THING TO DO? ( ANSWER) - BY BISHOP EZEOFOR : - "WELL LET ME SAY FIRST OF ALL , THAT IT IS REALLY NOT ( only the same sex marriage that is the problem). It is just one of the problems we are talking about the (REVISIONIST AGENDE) of the west where people are (NOW TALKING ABOUT DOUBTING THE VIRGIN BIRTH OF CHRIST). Indeed, for young Ekempi the doubting is in good sense of WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND judgment. "( INFACT, ALL THE THINGS WE KNOWTO BE THE FOUNDATION OF CHRISTIANITY SOME PEOPLE ARE QUESTIONING THEM AND TO THE POINT THAT SOMEBODY IS SAYING WELL "WE WROTE THE BIBLE AND WE CAN REWRITE IT") sort of in good sense of JEREMIAH 8:8-9 JUDGMENT. So , you find that it is not just the issue of the same sex marriage but it is the whole issue of the Revisionist agenda and if you like , "MODERNISM". That is what we are fighting well, not attending Lambeth conference is the decision of the church of Nigeria and some other national churches, not attend( BUT WE WANT THE MATTERS ON GROUND TO BE SETTLED BIBLICALLY BECAUSE IF WE THROW AWAY THE BIBLE THEN THERE IS NO BASIS FOR US ATTENDING THE CONFERENCE. SO , THAT IS WHAT WE ARE SAYING. WE WILL ATTEND WHEN THE ATMOSPHERE , THE CLIMATE IS CONDUCIVE, BASED ON THE FACT THAT WE ARE SAYING THESE THINGS THAT ARE ON GROUND, LET US RESOLVE THEM THAT IS THE MATTER THERE. To this end , is another question ( "HOW TRUE IS JEREMIAH 8:8-9 JUDGMENT IS TO WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND CONTEMPORARY CIVILIZATION CHURCH ERA RELIGION?). Now , does this not show how dumb African Leaders of alien religions are? . What did (I CORINTHIANS 2:11-14 ) all about? "IF WHAT WAS BUILT ON THE FOUNDATION SURVIVES THE FIRE - GOOD SENSE OF JUDGMENT SORT OF . THE BUILDER WILL RECEIVE A REWARD". These so called Bishops and teachers of falsehood religion of (WHITE SON OF GOD FOR ALL OF MANKIND) are now become trapped by their own vomit in good sense of 2 PETER 2:1-5, judgment "FOR A PERSON IS A SLAVES OF ANYTHING THAT HAS CONQUERED HIM" What happened to them shows that the proverbs are true:" ( THE DOG GOES BACK TO WHAT IT HAS VOMITED") in good sense of 2 peter 2:22 judgment.